Dr. LI, Hui
Associate Dean and Professor
Academic qualifications
> PhD (2007) Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
> M.S. (2004) Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
> B.B.A. (2002) Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
> CHE (2020) American Hotel and Lodging Association, Washington, DC
Academic experience
Dr. LI, Hui is Professor at Nankai University, Associate Dean of College of Tourism and Service Management, and an IEEE Senior Member. He is on the 2017 National Young Talent Program of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, the First Level of Tianjin 131 Creative Talent Program, the One Hundred Young Academic Leaders of Nankai University, and lead a team of One Hundred Young Academic Leaders of Nankai University. He has also received the Zhejiang Provincial Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and is on Zhejiang Provincial Zhijiang Young Social Science Scholar Program and Qianjiang Talent Program.
His research interests focus on tourism big data mining and prediction, tourism corporate management and governance, tourism firm survival and restructuring, tourism management and decision science. He has published about 100 refereed journal articles in major international refereed journals, such as: ATR, TM, JTR, IJHM, IJCHM, JOST, CIT, JDMM, JHTM, APJTR; IEEE TSMCS, EJOR, IAM, INFUS, INS, COR, FOR, KBS, ES, ESWA, CAIE, IJSS, etc. He has served as international editorial board member of Tourism Management and Tourism Economics, guest editor of International Journal of Neural Systems. He has served as Principle Investigator of five National Natural Science Foundation of China and six Provincial Science or Social Science Foundation of China. His researches are among the Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research of Higher Education (Humanities and Social Sciences), Tianjin Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards, Zhejiang Province Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards, and Excellent Research Achievement Awards of National Tourism Administration.
Industry experience, including industry related professional development
Professor LI actively participates in consultants for local governments and enterprises aiming to enhance the development of tourism.