Dr. SUN Ning
Postdoctoral Fellow
Academic qualifications
> PhD (2020) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
> M.A. (2016) Shandong University, Weihai, Shandong, China
> B.A. (2013) Shandong University, Weihai, Shandong, China
Academic experience
Dr. SUN, Ning is the Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Research Fellow in College of Tourism and Service Management at Nankai University. Before he joined Nankai University, he used to work as the Human Resources Manager at Grand Rezen Hotel Golden Bay, Research Assistant in the School of Hotel & Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
His research interests focus on hotel and hospitality management, human resources management, organizational behaviour, etc. He has published more than 10 journal papers in international and domestic refereed journals and has two research projects funded by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Tianjin Philosophy and Social Science Planning. He also serves as a reviewer for International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Tourism Review, Journal of China Tourism Research, and Human Resources Development of China.
Industry experience, including industry related professional development
In 2020, Dr. Sun worked as a Human Resources Manager at Grand Rezen Hotel Golden Bay and joined the reform of the hotel’s compensation and helper system.
In 2016, Dr. Sun worked as Research Assistant in the School of Hotel & Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and joined several projects such as “Tackling the Loneliness of the Elderly: How Can Engagement with the Hospitality Services Facilitate Their Social Connectedness?” and “Tourism Development Strategy of Guilin Fuda Group”.
From 2013 to 2016, Dr. Sun worked as a Consultant Intern in Aike Consulting Limited Liability Company and joined several projects such as “Weihai Tourism Development Planning (2014-2016)” and “Weihai Cultural and Creative Industries Development Planning (2014-2016)”.
Dr. Sun actively participates in projects funded by governments and enterprises aiming to enhance the development of China tourism.