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The College of Tourism and Service Management hold the general meeting for the second semester of the 2021-2022 academic year

    Publication time:2022-05-09 10:06

On the afternoon of May 5, 2022, the College of Tourism and Service Management hold the general meeting for the second semester of the 2021-2022 academic year to summarize the results of the institute's development and deploy the recent highlights. Yi Yongjun, the Secretary of CPC Committee, hosted the meeting while the faculty and staff were present online and offline.

At the beginning of the meeting, Secretary Yi represented all staff of the College to pay tribute to Zhang Yaping, who was honourably retired and thanked her for her contribution to the growth of students and the service management of teachers over the years of her work. The construction and development of the College have been made by the hard work of all staff and by the injection of new blood. Secretary Yi solemnly introduced two new teachers, Wang Zhao and Lan Zhonghui, who joined the College this year to take over the work of student and personnel secretary, respectively, and expressed his belief that the addition of outstanding young cadres could actively contribute to the cultivation of students and the development of the College's work.

Subsequently, Yang Xiaojing, the Deputy Secretary of CPC Committee, summarized and reported on the recent student work situation. Against the backdrop of the epidemic's difficult position and the strict closure of the campus, the College counsellors had a considerable workload in nucleic acid screening, back-to-school screening and isolation. In the face of the students' psychological problems due to the prolonged closure, the College provided timely care and guidance, understood the needs and difficulties of the students in-depth and distributed condolences three times. The overall situation is stable at this stage. Based on adhering to the school's epidemic prevention and control deployment, the student party and caucus work was also carried out in an orderly manner, fully consolidating the rudimentary work of the Party and caucus, giving full play to the role of the fighting base of the branch, combining the centenary of the founding of the Communist and the spirit of the tenth party congress of the school. The College actively promoted the party building evaluation work, using various existing platforms to strengthen the "three whole education". In the area of student growth and development, discussions were held with the part-time deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee, class tutors and department heads. The "Teachers and Students Walking Together" summer social practice activities, the "May Flowers" choral competition, mental health education and other daily work were steadily promoted.

Vice Dean Yao Yanbo briefly introduced the achievements and future priorities of the College in undergraduate, graduate and doctoral education at this stage. The College will further promote the construction of undergraduate majors through the revision of admission guidelines, the improvement of the rules and regulations of research preservation and six educational reform projects, including the particular class of "Tourism + Artificial Intelligence"; the College will be department-by-department to guide and promote the participation of undergraduate innovation and entrepreneurship projects and competitions, bring into play the guiding effect of academic tutors and focus on the cultivation of students' abilities. The recruitment of undergraduates, graduates, doctors, MTAs and international students is progressing well. This semester, we will continue to improve the management system of postgraduate training, revise the training program, and strive to enhance the research ability and quality of postgraduates. In addition, the Experimental Centre is still actively declaring the critical laboratory of tourism management of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and promoting the accumulation, transformation, and promotion of independent intellectual property achievements.

According to the College's 14th Five-Year Development Plan, Vice Dean Li Hui put forward the College’s work priorities in disciplines, scientific research, international academic exchanges and cooperation. The first is to promote high quality and rapid development of the tourism management discipline with the characteristics of "new liberal arts" and "multi-disciplinary integration and development" and to enhance the international status of the tourism management discipline in the College. The second is to promote the declaration of major national projects, and industry and regional research projects such as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Tianjin City. The third is to improve the output of first-class top journal papers, research awards, academic monographs and translations based on the overall research achievements at this stage. By organizing doctoral student forums, distinguished professor forums and promotion lectures, the College has invited renowned scholars of tourism management from within and outside China, as well as recipients of national talent programs and provincial talent programs related to tourism management disciplines, to conduct academic exchanges with Nankai teachers and students in an online format, and has focused on promoting the work related to the China Tourism Education Cooperation Alliance, a joint initiative with the University of Macau, Sun Yat-sen University and Fudan University.

Vice Dean Yang Dejin mentioned that the next stage would be to build the College's support and guarantee system, fully integrate industrial cooperation, high-end training and alums work resources, and take stock and sort out the accounts of distance education courses to provide financial support for talent introduction, event holding, epidemic protection and union welfare; continue to expand the docking with industrial partners, promote project landing and base construction based on the framework agreement signed, and play a role in industry empowerment by conducting regular industry innovation competitions every year; and enhance the high-end training platform and brand influence of the College by improving the curriculum and building a portal.

Dean Xu Hong concluded the work deployment and mobilization of new phase, expressed her affirmation of the College's positive achievements when it faces many difficulties and changes, and pointed out that the College's development is still a mixture of opportunities and challenges and requires the joint efforts of all staff.

The tourism discipline is at a critical transformation stage from a quantitative growth-oriented to a high-quality development, which places higher demands on the faculty and staff of the College. In an uncertain environment, there is a greater need for the faculties and staffs to complete their own and organization's role and position of job responsibilities, reflect on teaching methods, and achieve self-improvement regarding research capability and output. Dean Xu conveyed the requirements of the University's talent work conference, proposed that we should transform the concept of talent, emphasize talent in different levels, responsibilities and positions, and all talents should respect and cooperate to achieve common goals. Meanwhile, the College should pay attention to combine attraction and fostering talent, not only by discovering and attracting talent but also by training talent, and focusing on integrating talent and team building.

Secretary Yi Yongjun stressed that students and teachers are the roots of the development of the College, and we should comply with the transition and requirements of the era and use the new education theory and methods to foster professional knowledge and skill of students. It also need to identify the needs and demands of teachers, take advantage of the platform and the system, use the funds to support the development of the discipline, and devote its efforts to support the introduction and training of top talents.

The year 2022 marks a critical moment for the Party as it enters a new journey of building a modern socialist country comprehensively and marching towards its second-century goal. The development of the tourism discipline should still serve the strategy demands of the nation. Nankai Tourism should inherit and develop an excellent tradition in social service and stand on the research of the fundamental theory to provide sustained vitality in developing the discipline.

Standing at a new historical starting point after forty years of Nankai tourism, the faculty and students still need to continue to maintain a positive and progressive mindset, move towards new development goals, do a solid job, adhere to the combination of introduction and education, moral education, enrich the connotation of the discipline, focus on the output of high-quality results, and promote the "double first-class" professional construction and academic and educational prosperity.

At the second stage of the meeting, Chairman Chen Jiagang made a summary and reported on behalf of the College's Faculty Senate and Trade Union Committee and presided over the new general election of the College's Faculty Senate and Trade Union Committee. The meeting elected five comrades, including Yang Dejin, Yu Haibo, Wang Jingna, Ha Zhiyong and Gao Yang, by secret ballot as members of the Nankai University College of Tourism and Service Management Faculty Senate and Trade Union.

TranslatorZHANG KunProofreadingMA Shigui

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