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Professor Zheng Xinli, Director of Academic Committee of Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Tourism Development, Published "Zheng Xinli on Consumption"

    Publication time:2021-11-23 14:09

(Correspondent Shi Peihua, Chen Ye) Professor Zheng Xinli, director of the Academic Committee of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Tourism Development, former deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee and a famous economist, published Zheng Xinli on Consumption (1980-2020).This is the integration of the achievements of Zheng Xinli, director of the Center for Tourism Coordination, who has continued to study consumption for 40 years since the reform and opening up, including relevant discussions on tourism development. It is the first monograph of China's famous economists systematically studying consumption, and also a new landmark achievement of the Tourism Collaborative Center.

Zheng xinli, deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the CPC Central Committee, the former presidents, director of the CPPCC economic committee, deputy director of China's deputy executive director of the center for international economic exchanges, and other important position, long engaged in economic theory and economic policy research, in the planning and investment system reform, the macroeconomic regulation and control, mid-term and long-term development policy, and other fields, has a deep research and insights .He has participated in the drafting of the plenum of the CPC Central Committee, the Report on the Work of the Government, and the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh Five-Year plans for many times. At the first China International Consumption Summit Forum held in Haikou on May 9, 2021, a new book conference named zheng Xinli on Consumption (1980-2020) was held. More than 100 people from politics, academia, industry and media gathered to discuss the driving force of consumption on China's economy under the double cycle pattern.

Professor Zheng Xinli, director of the Academic Committee of the Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern tourism development, deputy director of policy research office of the central committee of the communist party of China, Huanghai, former Party memember of the Ministry of Commerce  ,Gao Tiesheng, former director of the national food reserve , Professor Bai Jinfu, former director of the central policy research office and Professor Tang yuan, former director of research office of the secretary of the State Council, Professor Dang Guoying of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ,Professor Zhou Tianyong, former deputy director of the international strategic research institute of the National school of Administration, Zhang Yiwei, deputy director of China tourism press and other leaders and experts attended the seminar and book launch. Yin Chengjie, former Executive Vice Minister of The Ministry of Agriculture, Zhang Jing 'an, former member of the Leading Party Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Niu Renliang, president of China Productivity Association, Yang Qingwei, President of China Investment Association, Chen Yanbing, president of China Urbanization Promotion Association and other leaders delivered video congratulations and speeches on the publication of the new book. Professor Shi Peihua, director of modern Tourism Development Center of Nankai University, also attended the book launch. Director Zheng Xinli made a keynote speech on China's consumption development in the past 40 years, and Director Shi Peihua made a speech on the target tasks and path measures of Hainan's construction of an international tourism consumption center. Twenty media outlets covered the conference in various forms.

The Collaborative Innovation Center for Modern Tourism Development was founded in 2015 by Nankai University, the State Information Center and Sun Yat-sen University, and was recognized by the Ministry of Education in September 2019. The Center takes “national need, a world-class, advanced system, outstanding contribution” as the general requirements, aims to build a decision support tourism think-tank highlands, having a major impact on international tourism academic heights, modern tourism industrial generic technology research and development base, cultural heritage and tourism development of the leading position, with the development of the integration platform.

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