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The College of Tourism and Service Management actively practiced the spirit of National Education Conference

    Publication time:2021-11-23 11:21

On December 28, a seminar on the implementation of the spirit of the National Education Conference and Faculty Meeting, 2018, was held by the College of Tourism and Service Management, at which Professor Li Chuanyong, Head of Teaching Affairs Office, and Dr. Jiang Yawen, Director of Cultivation Office of Graduate School, Nankai University, made the keynote speeches as special guests.

Professor Xu Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, made an opening speech. A report themed “Creating First-class Undergraduate Education with Elaboration, Efforts and Sincerity” was delivered by Professor Li Chuanyong, presenting the guiding ideology, goals and tasks, and key points of the quality improvement plan of first-class undergraduate education of Nankai University. Dr. Jiang Yawen gave a report themed “New Initiatives for Graduates’ Teaching and Education of NKU Targeting on Quality Improvement”, introducing the overall objectives of graduates and new direction for reform and innovation, as well as the key emphasis of graduate education in 2019.

Then, Dr. Meng Fanqiang, member of the Party Committee of the College, conveyed the spirit of “National Work Conference on the Construction of Teachers’ Morality and Professional Ethics”. Professor Xu Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, presented annual performance appraisal of the College. Dean Qiu Hanqin reported the recent news of internationalization and Micro-Bachelor, and introduced the international certification to be initiated by the College in 2019 and the series of international academic conferences. Vice-president Yao Yanbo, Chen Ye and Li Zhong reported the talent cultivation and reform of undergraduate teaching of the College in 2018, as well as the cultivation of scientific research and graduate education, and work plan in 2019.

In the seminar held in the afternoon, the teaching and administrative staff discussed the undergraduate teaching quality reform and international certification, as well as postgraduate cultivation and scientific research work, and the development strategy of the College in three groups. Members of party and government leading groups of the College joined the discussion and listened to the opinions and advice of the teaching and administrative staff on the work of the College. Xu Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the College, pointed out in the summary speech of the Conference that the teaching and administrative staff should implement the spirit of Undergraduate Education & Teaching Conference and adhere to the objective of strengthening moral education and cultivating people, with the guidance of President Xi’s socialism with Chinese characteristics in new era and the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the CPC. Meanwhile, we should speed up and advance the construction of world-class university and first-class disciplines, and focus on substantial work to make contribution to the centennial anniversary of NKU as members of tourism industry.

In 2018,fostering character and civic virtue has been considered as the fundamental for the Party Committee of the College of Tourism and Service Management. In the talent cultivation, they abided by the morality-oriented philosophy, both ability and political integrity and integrated development; besides, profession teachers, instructors and managerial staff have carried out the requirements of ideology and politics of courses, educating students through all-staff and all the time, with a view to improving themselves and realizing the value in the dedication. The pace of teaching reform of undergraduate and postgraduate of the College has been accelerated with improvement of management system and advancement of liberal education. Meanwhile, training programs were revised to carry out quality engineering and teaching supervision with innovation of teaching approaches. Practice bases were built, and international certification was initiated, with launching of the first global-oriented “Micro-Bachelor” program for tourism discipline in NKU. With acceleration of the world-class discipline construction in the College, Prof. Li Hui was selected by Youth Learner Program of the Yangtze River Scholar of the Ministry of Education, which indicated that project initiation of scientific research, paper publishing and academic achievements of teachers were proceeded by steady steps. The Collaborative Innovation Center of Modern Tourism Development continued to play the role of think tank. Taking root in China, more than one research and service teams of the College keep pace with each other to satisfy the development needs of national and local cultural and tourism industry with Nankai wisdom. The College has become one of the members of ICHRIE, CHME, CAUTHE, ISTTE, IFITT, WTA and other world-famous academic communities and international tourism organizations, and its teachers and students have published high-level research findings at many international conferences.

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